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Stanley PropertiesOffline

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    • Chibok girls kidnap was a great storyline from the beginning.

      We didn’t say girls were not kidnapped but the number mentioned and the logistics for such grand scale operation simply didn’t add up.

      We fingered the hand of Jacob but the voice of Esau in the whole mess.

      That hand belonged to Barack Hussein Obama and the voice belonged to…Read More

    • The snake bit the hen, and with the poison burning in her body, she sought refuge in her henhouse.

      But the other hens preferred to expel her so that the poison would not spread.

      The hen limped away, crying in pain. Not because of the bite, but because of the abandonment and contempt of her own family at the time when she needed them…Read More

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    • Killings and selling of human parts is now the Trending business in Ala Igbo the south Eastern part of Nigeria. This video should be watched with care. It happened in Awo idemili orsu imo state, Nigeria. Be careful while traveling to this place.

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    • There I was, sitting in front of my fiancé—the man who had taken a leave of absence from work to travel to southern Nigeria and meet my parents. I was doing everything I could to keep from tapping the table, though my anxiety urged me to.

      “Did you have any visitors at the hotel during your stay?”

      That was the question I was waiting for hi…Read More

    • Son of the late Eze Nri of Oreri, adorned with a Benin-style bronze pectoral mask.

      The elder’s facial marks, known as Ịchị, were traditionally given to men and some women in the north-central Igbo region as a symbol of either joining the Nze title system or being born into a family already part of it.

      These marks varied in style depen…Read More

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