The number of fake medications out here is alarming! No wonder there’s high rate of kidney and liver failures in the country.
Some of these fake medications contain the wrong ingredients, contain too little, too much or no active ingredients at all. Some contain harmful ingredients like mercury, arsenic, rat poison or cement.
Some vendors go as far as changing and relabeling the date of their expired products, while some simply clean off the expiry dates.
In the picture below are two HBP medications. But while one is the original from the company, the other is fake.
Now tell me why people won’t slump and dye when the medication that’s supposed to regulate their blood pressure is doing little to nothing or even getting the situation worse, like causing HBP induced kidney failures.
Always be mindful where you purchase your medications from.
Our health is one thing we shouldn’t joke with,especially in a country where the health care system is either poor or very expensive.
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The fake drug