I once dated a pump attendant with this kind of V-boot years ago, indiscov loved her but guess what? I found out something about her and she did something that made me changed my mind, i vowed to never marry her and I will explain so take a seat let me break it down;
One day her father called her and the way she talked to him and hung up the phone call on him I became worried because I thought it in a critical angle that if she doesn’t have respect for the man that birth her who am I then that she will respect?, that was not enough, she loves taking me to where I will spend money especially fancy restaurants when we could easily eat at a mama put (local restaurant), the worse of it all was when she gave a man number in my front 😑 I never forgave her for that act,
To further compound her fack ups, one day she was using her phone and I asked her to give me let me dial out numbers the way she behaved made me understood she’s hiding something and when she slept I searched the damn phone what I saw I nearly ran mad but I coordinated myself and acted like I did not see anything but rather took my time and piped her thoroughly; I vowed never to break up with her, I piped her in a very brootal way just that I regretted I didn’t use aboniki then 😹😹
In the evening I will pick her up and we will go to my house because I always stock up raw foods and enough provisions is always available in my house, so she will cook, shower then we eat and after I will take my time to pipe her thoroughly, I even set the head close to wall you know the matter na 🥴
I kept on repeating the routine until one day she asked me “what are we actually?” And I told her we are dating then she said we have been dating for like 1 year now but it seems we are not moving forward just stagnant and I asked her “how?” Then she proceeded to say I don’t treat her like my serious girlfriend, I treat her like my personal aashawo and I said “no baby don’t say that, come on naw, you know I love you”.
I scoped her, washed her head and swept her off her feet then piped her that day again, I kept on doing this until she ran away from me, she stopped coming to my house, stopped picking my call 😁 she quick spoil; how dare she try to covet my holy commitment when she’s disloyal & respectful?
—A vvoman that can’t give you her phone freely and be comfortable with you using it for hours without any worries or being in a hurry to take it,
—A vvoman that doesn’t know how to set boundaries and gives out her contact a man in your presence,
—A vvoman that is so good on bed and her blow job is top notch that you will feel born again relief,
—A vvoman that doesn’t respect her faada and sleeps out,
—A vvoman that can’t suggest you both go to a cheaper place or product to save you cost
Such vvoman is undeserving of your commitment and unsuitable to be your wife, just take your time and pipe her thoroughly, don’t ever break up with her, let her be the one to flee my brother 😹
Again, don’t ever trust a vvoman my brother.
Make the mistake of making a disloyal and disrespectful vvoman your wife and you will suffer my brother, follow Indiscov today to learn more else you’ll perriissh. There’s no happy ending for simps;
Meanwhile wise vvomen will learn from this while fooollish vvomen will insvlt the holy prophet indiscov but above all their insvlts don’t matter.
Sermons over!