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Faithee musicOffline

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      Faithee music is with Ucheson and 3 others

      9 months, 3 weeks ago

      A guy placed a babe on a weekly wage, he rented and furnished an apartment for her and bought her iPhone.

      Despite his emotional and financial investment on her, she kept collecting preeks here and there until she left him.

      He knew that she was possessed by agbomma spirit but he thought he could change her, he later found out that she is unfixable.

      Let me address three fundamental mistakes that the guy made.

      Firstly, he had no business putting the girl on a weekly wage. It was a dumb idea. No guy should put his girlfriend on a wage or salary. What service is she offering him that should make him to put her on a wage or salary?

      Secondly, a guy should never rent a house or buy a phone for his girlfriend. Such gesture is dumb and reckless. It can send a wrong signal to the girl.

      Thirdly, a man should never give his commitment to an agbomma and hope to change her when they are already in a relationship. It is a foolish decision. A man must not commit to a girl unless she has all the right qualities he needs in a woman. Giving your commitment to a bad vvoman and hoping to change her later is synonymous to putting her on a pedestal. You will regret it later.

      How can a man change Mia Khalifa from oloshoing?

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