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      Faithee music

      3 months ago

      Why do people spend so much money on roofing?

      In the scheme of work, woods are required to be fixed before roofing sheets are installed.
      That’s the general principle.
      However, this template is very tricky when it comes to planning, and can cause you some serious financial problems if care isn’t taken. In fact, that’s the cause of the many houses you see in town with rotten roofing decks.

      In planning, the inverse of the template is needed. When you think of roofing your structure, you’re advised to first plan for roofing sheets even before wood, even though wood is first required.
      Following the template means, you’ll buy woods and install them, and now sit back and plan on how to get money to buy roofing sheets. And even before the roofing sheets are bought, about a quarter or half of the wood installation is damaged.

      If you walk through town, you’ll find a lot of houses with such problems. The woods have been up there for months, at the mercy of the weather. That’s a lot of money going down the drain. The woods will rot, and in most cases, replaced when the roofing sheets are ready.

      The exceptions here are;
      1. If you’ve enough money to buy both materials, then this won’t apply. The template will help you.
      2. If you’ve gotten some readily available woods at relatively affordable prices, then you may have to buy and keep them. In that case, you must get a good storage place, where the woods won’t be stolen, or made to rot.

      Back to the discussion

      What should you do?
      If you’ve money, buy the roofing sheets and gradually plan for the wood. Roofing sheets don’t expire or rot.
      Buy the woods but don’t install them yet. Wait until you’re ready with your roofing sheets. The caveat here is, you should have a good storage space else…. La Wuuuuuu.
      It shouldn’t take you too much time to install the roofing sheets after the woods have been installed.


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