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    • Give a positive life to the society because tomorrow You will need it back.

      Faithee okechukwu

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      We are celebrating and immortalising Chief MKO Abiola but we are not demanding for the unmasking, arrest and prosecution of those who murdered him.

      We know that Susan Rice, who was then President Bill Clinton’s Under-Sec. of State for Africa and later President BarackObama’s National Securty Advisor served him the poisoned tea that killed him…Read More

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    • Tired Nigerians Hits the streets of Abuja with #BuhariMustGo playcards this is to mark the June 12 Democracy day. Reports has it that The Nigerian police force chased away majority of the Nigerian citizens who came to Exercise their rights to Democracy with Lachrymator and smoke grenades.

    • Rev Father Camilous Mbaka Arrested By Dss RIGHT Now

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    • Dele Aina, deserves

      How do you tell a man that went through both physical and emotional trauma for 2years, 6months, 1week and 2days with 3million of his people dead to forget about Biafra?
      How do you tell him to keep quiet and not talk about what his fathers, mothers, Uncles, Aunties and even siblings went through while the war was on.
      How…Read More

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