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Faithee musicOffline

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      Faithee music is with and 2 others

      3 months, 1 week ago

      😂😂 LAUGH 😂😂😂

      1. Bëing unemployëd 🥺 is rëally heartbreakïng 💔 ‘cause you wïll be blamëd for everythïng…
      Your mum wïll be likë; “you havë been at homë sincë mornïng why dïd you allow the rät to entër the housë?” 😳🤭😂😂😂
      2. She fell in love with an electrician, now the whole family was shocked 😳… Una say Wahala be like wetin again? 🤭😂😂😂
      3. Havë you evër loøked so good thät you don’t wanna go høme‚ becausë nøt enøugh pëople säw you? 🤭😂😂
      4. Somë guys can deçeive ehn… They’ll be likë “Baby I seë my futurë kïds in your ëyes” Well-done sir chairmän of nationäl populatiøn censüs‚ Hopë you’re seëing golden morn‚ pampërs‚ schoøl feës and othër baby foød on her foreheäd too ?
      Yeye 😏🙄😂😂😂
      5. A soldiër💂wïll kïll 1OO pëople and he wïll have peaçe‚ but you just ønly øne persøn for bløød møney‚ the spirït wïll nøt let you rëst‚ why…? Don’t loøk at me likë am talkïng from experiencë oo… 😒🤭😂😂😂
      6. I thïnk Adam is the causë of our failurë in English Languagë
      God: Adam‚ wherë are you ?
      Adam: I am nakëd. 🙉🙄😂
      7. Thïs pëople thät keep askïng can you exchangë me for 1 milliøn can you släp me for 1O milliøn; they don’t knøw thät with the presënt situatiøn of Nïgeria now I can exchangë them for bread and minëral 😒😂😂
      8. Pidgin is the ønly languagë wherë quëstion is mostly the samë as the answër
      Quëstion: Light dey ?
      Answër: Light dey! 🤭😂😂
      9. Whën you were littlë‚ did you evër slëep in the afternoøn and wakë üp in the evenïng and then greët your parënts‚ good mornïng?? 🤭😂😂
      10. Lord, I’m not asking Much from You; But just that That Soul Reáding this Post, May You Do a Míracle for them that Never Expécted it will happen!!!!🙏🙏😔😢
      Cùtie, I might Not Have Müch in Life, Yeah I know 🥺😔😔😭, But at Least, I’m always Happy When I Just see You Smîle, That Joy use to Arise in me so Much!! ❤️

      Hope I have Made your Blessed Söul Brightened🥺😢😥

      You wanna be My Best Friend right?🙈😢😥

      Cutie I took time to create this jokes pls appreciate by following me for more interesting jokes

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