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Faithee musicOffline

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      Faithee music

      6 days, 13 hours ago ·

      This is your wife with her favorite coworker before a two-hour lunch break. They will spend those two hours together, and you still wonder why Airbnb businesses are thriving in the cities?

      They are not booking that place to go and discuss Kenya’s abductions and bad economy—they’ll spend an hour passionately hearing good while the office boyfriend is hitting her walls of jericho until she gets blisters, then take a quick shower, and head back to the office.

      By evening, she will be home, moody and doesn’t want you near her, you won’t touch her the whole night, her nipples are reserved for the office boyfriend.

      Let me not say much and leave you with a Busia proverb that says, “Nobody beats a drum harder like a man who doesn’t own it.”

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