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Wego LimoOffline

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    • We have, this evening, received verified confirmation that #Zoo soldiers, those untrained cowards that only specialise in burning properties, have now left Orlu back to where they came from. The assurances we received earlier that this would happpen has been fulfilled.

      I therefore ask our brave and gallant men and every aggrieved person or…Read More

    • We are NOT against anybody opening their own media platform to propagate whatever message they deem fit. However the name RADIO BIAFRA is exclusive to the worldwide family of IPOB and cannot be used by any person or persons outside the command structure of our noble movement. To do otherwise is to invite unimaginable calamity on ones head. Those…Read More

    • Eastern security Network.

    • Art. 1&20, CAP A9, Laws of Federation of Nigeria says: “All peoples shall have the unquestionable & inalienable right to SELF DETERMINATION. The State shall RECOGNIZE the right and adopt legislative or other measures to give EFFECT to it”

      #Nigeria disobeys it’s own Laws! #Obigbo

      A country that has no regard for its own laws is an anima…Read More

    • Be courageous and remain steadfast, there is no need for panic.✊

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