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    • Police in Ogun state have arrested a 35-year-old housewife, Blessing Agoro, for allegedly selling her two daughters for N300,000.

      Blessing’s husband, Oluwaseyi, returned from a journey on Tuesday, June 8, and could not find his two daughters, Deborah, aged 2, and Semilore (4).

      His wife refused to tell him the whereabouts of the children, a…Read More

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    • Police in Ogun state have arrested a 35-year-old housewife, Blessing Agoro, for allegedly selling her two daughters for N300,000.

      Blessing’s husband, Oluwaseyi, returned from a journey on Tuesday, June 8, and could not find his two daughters, Deborah, aged 2, and Semilore (4).

      His wife refused to tell him the whereabouts of the children,…Read More

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    • Time is always right to do what is right

      Martin Luther king Jr

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    • Injustice anywhere is a threat to justic everywhere. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.

      Martin Luther king Jr

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