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    • You Dial Trouble, Dino Warns Car Dealer Over Debt Allegation

      Former Kogi West lawmaker, Dino Melaye has threatened to sue a car dealer, who alleged that he was still owing for a vehicle he supposedly bought from them in 2019.

      Via its Instagram Stories on Thursday, the car dealer, Unique Motors had shared a photo of Melaye standing by…Read More

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    • Police in Ogun state have arrested a 35-year-old housewife, Blessing Agoro, for allegedly selling her two daughters for N300,000.

      Blessing’s husband, Oluwaseyi, returned from a journey on Tuesday, June 8, and could not find his two daughters, Deborah, aged 2, and Semilore (4).

      His wife refused to tell him the whereabouts of the children, a…Read More

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    • Time is always right to do what is right

      Martin Luther king Jr

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    • Injustice anywhere is a threat to justic everywhere. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.

      Martin Luther king Jr

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      We are celebrating and immortalising Chief MKO Abiola but we are not demanding for the unmasking, arrest and prosecution of those who murdered him.

      We know that Susan Rice, who was then President Bill Clinton’s Under-Sec. of State for Africa and later President BarackObama’s National Securty Advisor served him the poisoned tea that killed him…Read More

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